Interview Questions for Teachers to Ask the Interviewer

In my previous articles on how to get a job as a teacher, I offer tips on how to do well in an interview.  At the end of most interviews, the interviewer or interview team will usually ask you, “Do you have any questions for us?”  It’s very important that you have a question which is intelligent and insightful.  It is the interview team’s final impression of you, so it is more important than most people make it out to be.

Remember the entire interview should focus on the three things that all principals and other administrators are looking for in this increasingly challenging learning environment

Here is a list of suggested questions.  In addition, there is a list of questions not to ask at the end of the interview.

  1.  Mini-portfolio Question:  Again, as stated in my previous writings on “mini-portfolios,” I suggest instead of taking a three inch binder portfolio, you hand the committee a five to ten page interview mini-portfolio.  In it you should include a bulleted list of qualifications, a resume, three or four letters of recommendations and a list of references.  In addition, you can add a couple of pages with pictures of you teaching creative, hands-on lessons with students.  Hand them the mini-portfolio when you introduce yourself. 

At the end of the interview ask if they have any other questions on the mini-portfolio and one question from this list of nine addition questions. 

2.  What are the main goals of the school/district this year?  Would you say you were successful at meeting them?

3.  I love to learn and I’m always looking for ways to improve my teaching skills.  Does this school/district offer professional development opportunities?  If so, what kind?

  • Smartboard
  • Podcasting
  • Software to enhance academic achievement
  • Online websites such as National Geographic Kids which my students really enjoyed.
  • An opportunity for my students to do online research on global warming which culminated in a week-long group experiment on air quality.

4.  What is the main quality you look for in a teacher in this school/district?

5.  I noticed in the hallway/office (for example) that you have a school leadership team.  That sounds like a great opportunity for students.  Can you tell me a little bit about it?

    • As a principal I personally loved hearing these types of questions because it showed me that the interviewee got to the interview early AND took an interest in the school.

6. What are this school/district’s greatest strengths?

7.  You could ask something specific to your interests or teaching area such as:

    • As a special needs teacher, in my student teaching experience I had the opportunity to set up a peer modeling program with typical peers coming into the classroom to model appropriate behavior for my students with multiple disabilities.  Would you be open to these kinds of opportunities for me here?
    • As a science teacher, I particularly enjoy outdoor research projects which focus on teaching state content standards through inquiry-based learning.  Is this something I can hope to continue at this school/district.

8. I am looking to obtain my Master’s Degree/PH.D.  Does this school/district provide assistance or tuition reimbursement for teachers?

9.  I enjoy using technology to enhance my teaching strategies.  In my student teaching experience I had the opportunity to use a (insert one, for example):

  • Smart Board
  • Podcasting
  • LCD Projector
  • Laptops
  • Software to enhance instruction
  • I did a project in which my student had to research global warming and it culminated with a month-long experiment on acid rain.

What kinds of technology opportunities are available in your school/district? 

10.   I like working as a team on projects to benefit the organization I am working for. At XYZ University I was on the Student/Faculty Collaboration Committee to look at goals for the university for the 21st century.   Can I find those type of team projects available in this school/district?

Close by asking:   “I have several interviews this week/month (if you do).  When can I expect to hear from you?”

 What kinds of questions have you come up with to ask at the close of interviews?

What else do you need to know? Here are the answers is you want a Special Education job.

How to Get Hired as a Special Education Teacher

Tips for Teachers Seeking Jobs

Sample Resume, Cover Letter and Letter of Recommendation

What Prospective Principals are Looking for in New Teacher Hires

Teacher Interview Tips

Interview Questions for Teachers to Ask the Interviewer

Creating a Mini-Portfolio:  The key to getting a job

Getting a Job as a Teacher: Work Experience is a Must

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