The “Box Lesson” – One of My Best Lessons Ever Wasn’t Planned

The "Box" Lesson

Lesson Objectives:  communication/directions, direction words (up, down, in,out), numbers 1 and 2, body parts, prediction, estimation, problem-solving, taking turns, size, observing, gross motor skills, sensory processing, measuring, and most of all – LAUGHTER!

I decided to do a variation of the washcloth lesson by using boxes.  I wanted boxes about the size of the washcloths (shoebox size) but decided on a whim to grab some boxes I saw in the cafeteria.  They were sized as small as a shoebox and as large as a big packing box for paper towels.

The students got into their spaces on the carpet.  We were in a semi-circle.   When they saw the boxes they got very excited.   I asked them to sit in the “show ready” position (criss cross applesauce, hands folded in lap, mouths closed) and whoever “showed ready” first got to pick their box first.  All of them wanted the biggest ones of course.

We did the same instructions as the washcloth lesson with some slight variations.

I gave the following directions, demonstrating as we went.

  1. Hold your box with one hand.
  2. Hold your box with two hands.
  3. Make your box as high as you can.
  4. Make it as low as you can.
  5. Put your box on the floor.
  6. Put 1 hand on/in the box.
  7. Put 2 hands on/in the box.
  8. Put your hands/feet under the box.
  9. Put your hands/feet over the box.
  10. Stand up. 
  11. Put one foot in the box.
  12. Put two feet in the box.
  13. Put hands and feet in the box.
  14. Put the box on your – shoulder, hand, knee, belly, chin, etc.
  15. Then put the box on your head.  They thought this was hilarious of course.

After we had done all of the above I asked them to try to get into their box.  Of course some could easily and some looked at me as if I were crazy.

Then I had them put all the boxes in a line in order from smallest to biggest.  We started with the biggest box and they all have to predict if they could fit in it and then they all tried.  Then we tried with the next biggest and so forth.  It was surprising to hear and see some of their predictions.  We had one student who was particularly limber and he amazed us by getting into a very small box!

What are some lessons that you have done “on a whim” and they ended up being some of the best lessons you have ever done?

This entry was posted in Classroom Materials, Fun stuff, Gross motor Activities, Lesson ideas, Miscellaneous, Sensory Integration/Sensory Processing Disorder, Speech and Language Activities and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to The “Box Lesson” – One of My Best Lessons Ever Wasn’t Planned

  1. amy young says:

    what a cute idea! My only problem is that I have two in wheelchairs (quadraplegics) – so I really have to do some adapting for them! Love your ideas, though, and will use many this year!

    A. Young

    • kwhiting644 says:

      Thanks for the comment. That’s where peers and teamwork come in. Do they have any motor abilility/hand control? Could they manipulate a really small box or even a ring box? I have had many students over the years who used wheelchairs. Have you read my “Washcloth” lesson?

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